Tejanas (feminine) and Tejanos (masculine) are Hispanic Texans whose family history in the state stretches back to when it was still part of Mexico. They are often confused for recent migrants and treated as foreigners—when in reality they have far deeper roots in Texas than the local Anglo population.
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Tejana/o Term Timeline in Borderlands / La Frontera
The timeline below shows where the term Tejana/o appears in Borderlands / La Frontera. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1, Section 1: The Homeland, Aztlán / El otro México
El destierro / The Lost Land. Many mestizos moved north to Texas, becoming Tejanos. Anglos then invaded Texas and incorporated it into the US. Anzaldúa quotes Chilean and Mexican...
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Part 1, Section 5: How to Tame a Wild Tongue
...accordion. Corridos, songs about the Borderlands and its history, are the “chief cultural mythmakers” for Tejanos. Anzaldúa also describes the sounds and smells of her childhood—woodsmoke, cow manure, a hunting rifle...
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Part 2, Section 6: El Retorno
...family land, including the cemetery, but the women in her family will never lose their “mexicana-Chicana-tejana” pride or “Indian woman’s spirit.” They will be around long after the Anglos have fought...
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