Borderlands / La Frontera


Gloria Anzaldúa

Borderlands Term Analysis

“Borderlands” is Anzaldúa’s term for not only the literal border region in the southwestern U.S. and northern Mexico, but also the complex cultural dynamics that develop whenever multiple ways of being come into contact—and especially when different groups interact under conditions of inequality, violence, and historical injustice.

Borderlands Quotes in Borderlands / La Frontera

The Borderlands / La Frontera quotes below are all either spoken by Borderlands or refer to Borderlands. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Borders, Hybridity, and Identity Theme Icon
Part 1, Section 1: The Homeland, Aztlán / El otro México Quotes

The U.S.-Mexican border es una herida abierta where the Third World grates against the first and bleeds. And before a scab forms it hemorrhages again, the lifeblood of two worlds merging to form a third country—a border culture. Borders are set up to define the places that are safe and unsafe, to distinguish us from them. A border is a dividing line, a narrow strip along a steep edge. A borderland is a vague and undetermined place created by the emotional residue of an unnatural boundary. It is in a constant state of transition. The prohibited and forbidden are its inhabitants.

Related Characters: Gloria Anzaldúa (speaker)
Related Symbols: The U.S.-Mexico Border
Page Number: 57
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 1, Section 6: Tlilli, Tlapalli / The Path of the Red and Black Ink Quotes

Living in a state of psychic unrest, in a Borderland, is what makes poets write and artists create. It is like a cactus needle embedded in the flesh. It worries itself deeper and deeper, and I keep aggravating it by poking at it. When it begins to fester I have to do something to put an end to the aggravation and to figure out why I have it. I get deep down into the place where it’s rooted in my skin and pluck away at it, playing it like a musical instrument—the fingers pressing, making the pain worse before it can get better. Then out it comes. No more discomfort, no more ambivalence. Until another needle pierces the skin. That’s what writing is for me, an endless cycle of making it worse, making it better, but always making meaning out of the experience, whatever it may be.

Related Characters: Gloria Anzaldúa (speaker)
Page Number: 141
Explanation and Analysis:
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Borderlands Term Timeline in Borderlands / La Frontera

The timeline below shows where the term Borderlands appears in Borderlands / La Frontera. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Preface to the First Edition
Borders, Hybridity, and Identity Theme Icon
History and the U.S.-Mexico Relationship Theme Icon
Language, Storytelling, and Ritual Theme Icon
This book is specifically about the U.S.-Mexico border, Gloria Anzaldúa explains, but mental and cultural Borderlands form wherever different groups come into contact. Living between Mexican and Anglo cultures can be... (full context)
Part 1, Section 5: How to Tame a Wild Tongue
Borders, Hybridity, and Identity Theme Icon
History and the U.S.-Mexico Relationship Theme Icon
Language, Storytelling, and Ritual Theme Icon
...borrowed from Texas’s German immigrants, including polka rhythms and the accordion. Corridos, songs about the Borderlands and its history, are the “chief cultural mythmakers” for Tejanos. Anzaldúa also describes the sounds... (full context)
Part 1, Section 6: Tlilli, Tlapalli / The Path of the Red and Black Ink
Borders, Hybridity, and Identity Theme Icon
Language, Storytelling, and Ritual Theme Icon look deep into herself to write. This “psychic unrest” is a special kind of Borderlands. Anzaldúa compares it to being pricked by a cactus needle that keeps working its way... (full context)
Borders, Hybridity, and Identity Theme Icon
Language, Storytelling, and Ritual Theme Icon also the way she creates and defines that self. The beauty and mystery of Borderlands life comes from accepting this contradiction, this Coatlicue state. Writing means subjecting the self to... (full context)
Part 1, Section 7: La conciencia de la mestiza / Towards a New Consciousness
Borders, Hybridity, and Identity Theme Icon
History and the U.S.-Mexico Relationship Theme Icon
...variously describes as “a new mestiza consciousness,” a women’s consciousness, and “a consciousness of the Borderlands.” (full context)
Part 2, Section 6: El Retorno
Borders, Hybridity, and Identity Theme Icon
Chicana Feminism Theme Icon
Language, Storytelling, and Ritual Theme Icon
To live in the Borderlands means you. The women of the Borderlands are not just “hispana india negra española [o]... (full context)