It’s Kind of a Funny Story


Ned Vizzini

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on It’s Kind of a Funny Story makes teaching easy.

It’s Kind of a Funny Story: Chapter 29 Summary & Analysis

The next morning, Craig and all the other patients wake up to get their vitals taken. One of the nurses mentions that Craig forgot to fill out his meal preference form, and he finds the form surprisingly easy to complete. When Craig’s at breakfast with Bobby and Johnny, Bobby is nervous because he has an interview at an adult home coming up. Bobby explains that adult homes are similar to the psychiatric ward, except you need to have a job. Craig offers to have Mom bring one of Craig’s collared shirts for Bobby to wear to the interview.
Although Craig’s phone calls with Aaron and Nia represent  a step backward in his recovery, his offer to help Bobby get an outfit for his interview is a step forward. It shows that Craig has learned that he has something to offer people and that he wants to use this power for good. By lending his shirt to Bobby, Craig shows selflessness and a willingness to be more open with others.
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