It’s Kind of a Funny Story


Ned Vizzini

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It’s Kind of a Funny Story: Chapter 47 Summary & Analysis

Craig wakes up from a nap and finds Mom, Dad, and Sarah waiting for him. He tells them about the brain maps he was doing for the other patients. His Dad wants to talk about Craig transferring schools. He seems to discourage the idea, suggesting that if Craig would rather study art, he’d better love art, because it’s a hard life. When Craig suggests a school, his dad is hesitant because it’s a school “for kids who are all screwed up.” Craig argues that he’s already screwed up.
For all of Craig’s success in improving himself at the hospital, this passage hints at how there’s still a significant gap in understanding between him and his father. Craig’s father still holds on to the idea that Craig should seek a traditional form of success, like the one his competitive high school promises, while Craig has learned that there are other kinds of success that may be more attainable and fulfilling for him. 
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Armelio announces that it’s dinnertime, so Craig’s family leaves. His Dad leaves the Blade II DVD behind and says he’ll be back at 7:00 to watch part of the movie, since visiting hours end at 8:00.
In spite of their disagreement over Craig’s high school future, Craig’s father still agrees to be there to watch a movie that’s important to Craig. This shows Craig’s father’s determination to understand his son, even when his efforts aren’t perfect.
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