It’s Kind of a Funny Story


Ned Vizzini

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on It’s Kind of a Funny Story makes teaching easy.

Bobby Character Analysis

Bobby is a patient in the psychiatric hospital who befriends Craig. He is recovering from drug addiction and has struggled with mental health since he was 15, including previous stays in psychiatric hospitals. Craig helps Bobby find something to wear for an interview at an adult home, and this teaches Craig about his value to other people. Ultimately, Bobby is one of the few patients who doesn’t want to exchange phone numbers with Craig, believing it’s best for Craig if he just holds on to Bobby as a memory so that he can focus on his own recovery.

Bobby Quotes in It’s Kind of a Funny Story

The It’s Kind of a Funny Story quotes below are all either spoken by Bobby or refer to Bobby. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Mental Health Theme Icon
Chapter 29 Quotes

“I have shirts. I’ll lend you a shirt.”

Related Characters: Craig (speaker), Bobby, Johnny
Page Number: 269
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 42 Quotes

“So now,” I continue, “instead of a quarter-life crisis they’ve got a fifth-life crisis—that’s when you’re eighteen—and a sixth-life crisis—that’s when you’re fourteen. I think that’s what a lot of people have.”

“What you have.”

“Not just me. It’s the . . . um . . . should I keep going?”

“Yes,” Noelle says.

“Well, there are lot of people who make a lot of money off the fifth- and sixth-life crises. All of a sudden they have a ton of consumers scared out of their minds and willing to buy facial cream, designer jeans, SAT test prep courses, condoms, cars, scooters, self-help books, watches, wallets, stocks, whatever … all the crap that the twenty-somethings used to buy, they now have the ten-somethings buying. They doubled their market!”

Related Characters: Craig (speaker), Noelle (speaker), Bobby, Humble, Johnny
Page Number: 374
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 46 Quotes

“Yeah, well, all the worse, then, when you try to call me or Johnny up and find out that we’ve OD’ed, or been shot, or come back here even worse, or just disappeared.”

“That’s a pretty negative view.”

“I’ve seen it before. You just remember us, okay? We meet in the outside world, it just ruins it. You’ll be embarrassed of me and I . . .” He smiles. “… I might be embarrassed of me, too. And I might be embarrassed of you, if you don’t keep your stuff together.”

“Thanks. You sure no numbers?”

Bobby shakes my hand. “If we need to, we’ll meet.”

Related Characters: Craig (speaker), Bobby (speaker), Johnny
Page Number: 408
Explanation and Analysis:
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Bobby Quotes in It’s Kind of a Funny Story

The It’s Kind of a Funny Story quotes below are all either spoken by Bobby or refer to Bobby. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Mental Health Theme Icon
Chapter 29 Quotes

“I have shirts. I’ll lend you a shirt.”

Related Characters: Craig (speaker), Bobby, Johnny
Page Number: 269
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 42 Quotes

“So now,” I continue, “instead of a quarter-life crisis they’ve got a fifth-life crisis—that’s when you’re eighteen—and a sixth-life crisis—that’s when you’re fourteen. I think that’s what a lot of people have.”

“What you have.”

“Not just me. It’s the . . . um . . . should I keep going?”

“Yes,” Noelle says.

“Well, there are lot of people who make a lot of money off the fifth- and sixth-life crises. All of a sudden they have a ton of consumers scared out of their minds and willing to buy facial cream, designer jeans, SAT test prep courses, condoms, cars, scooters, self-help books, watches, wallets, stocks, whatever … all the crap that the twenty-somethings used to buy, they now have the ten-somethings buying. They doubled their market!”

Related Characters: Craig (speaker), Noelle (speaker), Bobby, Humble, Johnny
Page Number: 374
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 46 Quotes

“Yeah, well, all the worse, then, when you try to call me or Johnny up and find out that we’ve OD’ed, or been shot, or come back here even worse, or just disappeared.”

“That’s a pretty negative view.”

“I’ve seen it before. You just remember us, okay? We meet in the outside world, it just ruins it. You’ll be embarrassed of me and I . . .” He smiles. “… I might be embarrassed of me, too. And I might be embarrassed of you, if you don’t keep your stuff together.”

“Thanks. You sure no numbers?”

Bobby shakes my hand. “If we need to, we’ll meet.”

Related Characters: Craig (speaker), Bobby (speaker), Johnny
Page Number: 408
Explanation and Analysis: