It’s Kind of a Funny Story


Ned Vizzini

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It’s Kind of a Funny Story: Chapter 31 Summary & Analysis

Craig doesn’t like the old movies they play at the hospital, so Dad promises to come on Wednesday with Blade II. He goes to meet Noelle at 7:00, like her note said. Noelle says their meeting will be quick. She wants to play a question game with him, where they take turns asking each other questions. Craig learns that Noelle got admitted because someone caught her cutting her face.
Blade II is a comic book movie about killing vampires. The move seems to appeal to Craig, because it depicts a hero facing clear external problems, something that’s very different from Craig’s lived reality, in which he can’t just slice his depression in half with a sword.
Mental Health Theme Icon
Craig and Noelle bond over a shared interest in reading the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Psychiatric Disorders (DSM), which all therapists have. Craig admits that he came to the meeting because he might like Noelle. At the end of the game, Craig asks to kiss Noelle, but she refuses. Still, when they find out they’re both headed to arts and crafts, Noelle offers to race Craig.
Craig and Noelle’s shared interest in the DSM (a real manual) shows how they’re both fascinated by mental health and want to understand it better by learning how their therapists think. Craig’s willingness to kiss Noelle so soon, rather than hesitating as he did in the past, shows how he is becoming more confident through his time in the hospital.
Friendship and Romance Theme Icon