It’s Kind of a Funny Story


Ned Vizzini

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It’s Kind of a Funny Story: Chapter 40 Summary & Analysis

Muqtada is away, which is rare. Nia notices that Craig is sweating. She says she’d let Craig kiss her, if he wanted. He does start to kiss her, accidentally pushing her onto Muqtada’s bed instead of his own. Craig feels so good that he wonders how he ever got depressed. Nia says she always wanted to hook up in a hospital, because she and Aaron never did anything interesting. Craig doesn’t like being compared to Aaron.
Again, this passage seems like it should be a fantasy come true for Craig—he’s wanted to kiss Nia for a long time—but it doesn’t take long for things to get off track, with Craig accidentally pushing Nia into the wrong bed. Craig soon learns that Nia’s sudden interest in him may have less to do with Craig himself and more to do with Nia’s troubled relationship with Aaron.
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Just then Muqtada comes back and yells that children are having sex in his bed. Nia gets ready to go. Craig says he liked making out with her but doesn’t like her “as a person.” Nia says she feels the same way about him. Smitty comes in and warns Craig that while things are okay this time, he shouldn’t let something similar happen again. Muqtada apologizes for getting Craig in trouble, but Craig says it’s okay. Muqtada explains that he was out looking for Egyptian music but couldn’t find any. Just then, Craig notices Noelle looking in. He rushes out to her, but she goes to her room and closes the door.
Craig seems like he wants to say he isn’t interested in Nia romantically but instead phrases it as if he actively dislikes her. This misunderstanding reveals just how deep the gulf is between Craig and Nia, and also how they each have built up an idealized version of the other instead of truly getting to know each other. Craig’s realizing this points to how his time in the hospital has taught him the importance of being honest about his needs and wants rather than aspiring to ideals he thinks he should want.  
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