It’s Kind of a Funny Story


Ned Vizzini

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on It’s Kind of a Funny Story makes teaching easy.

It’s Kind of a Funny Story Characters


Craig, the narrator, is a 15-year-old student who attends a prestigious Manhattan high school. He lives with his mom, dad, and sister (Sarah). His friends are Aaron, Aaron’s girlfriend Niaread analysis of Craig


Noelle is a 15-year-old girl whom Craig meets during his time in the psychiatric hospital. She has cuts on her face from self-harm, and she initially doesn’t speak much, communicating with Craig only sporadically and… read analysis of Noelle


Nia is a girl in Craig’s class who ends up dating Aaron. She is of half-Jewish, half Chinese ancestry. Craig himself initially likes Nia but is too afraid to say so—he later admits… read analysis of Nia


Aaron is Craig’s friend and Nia’s girlfriend. Craig and Aaron bond over watching movies together, and Aaron teaches Craig how to smoke pot. Craig is jealous of how effortlessly Aaron seems to succeed… read analysis of Aaron


Bobby is a patient in the psychiatric hospital who befriends Craig. He is recovering from drug addiction and has struggled with mental health since he was 15, including previous stays in psychiatric hospitals. Craig… read analysis of Bobby
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Muqtada is an older Egyptian man who is Craig’s roommate during his stay in the psychiatric hospital. At first Muqtada seems to be antisocial and perhaps to dislike Craig, but they bond over the… read analysis of Muqtada
Minor Characters
Humble is one of the first people that Craig gets to know in the psychiatric hospital. He can be gruff and opinionated, particularly when it comes to anything that reminds him of “yuppies,” but he takes a liking to Craig and helps him adjust to life in the hospital.
Johnny is a friend of Bobby’s who also befriends Craig. Like Bobby, he is recovering from drug addiction and has struggled with various mental health issues for much of his life.
Craig’s mom is supportive but doesn’t initially understand the extent of Craig’s depression. Before his planned suicide, Craig sleeps in his mom’s bed, showing how Craig longs for the simplicity of childhood and a time before he felt symptoms of depression.
Craig’s dad tries to be supportive but sometimes fails to understand Craig. He puts a lot of value on traditional signs of success, like doing well at a good high school, and this creates expectations for Craig that he struggles to live up to.
Dr. Minerva
Dr. Minerva is Craig’s therapist. She helps Craig understand how depression works and eventually convinces him to consider transferring from his old high school to a new one focused on art.
Armelio is a patient in the psychiatric hospital who likes to think of himself as the mayor of the place. He often goes room to room delivering announcements, such as when it’s time for a meal.
Joanie is the volunteer who leads the arts and craft classes at the psychiatric hospital, where Craig starts drawing maps of brains and learns how art can be therapeutic for him.
Neil is a volunteer who comes to the psychiatric hospital with a guitar and leads Craig and the others in musical therapy. Despite his initial resistance, Craig learns that music, like drawing, can help him to manage his mental health.
Sarah is Craig’s younger sister. She is carefree and can be oblivious. This leads her to sometimes accidentally insult Craig and the other patients of the psychiatric hospital.
Ronny is a friend of Aaron and Craig’s. Like Aaron, Ronny doesn’t outwardly suffer from any mental health issues, leaving Craig feeling isolated even among his friends.
“J/C” is Craig’s nickname for a fellow patient who goes by both Jennifer and Charles. Sometimes J/C uses a feminine voice, and other times he uses one that’s more masculine.
Solomon is a devout Jewish patient at the psychiatric hospital who is easily irritated and often asks other people to be quiet.
Smitty is the daytime director in the psychiatric hospital. He shows Craig around when he first arrives.
The Professor
The Professor is an older woman who is a patient at the psychiatric hospital and who prides herself on her knowledge.
Becca is a patient in the psychiatric hospital who is friends with Noelle and J/C.
Dr. Barney
Dr. Barney is Craig’s psychopharmacologist. Craig’s problems start when he decides to quit taking the medication Dr. Barney has prescribed him without consulting anyone.
Ebony is a Black woman whom Craig meets in the psychiatric hospital who shows up at many of the activities.
Dr. Mahmoud
Dr. Mahmoud is Craig’s new psychiatrist at the psychiatric hospital.
Monica is a nurse who explains to Craig what his time will be like in the psychiatric hospital.
Chris is a police officer who is working at the emergency room the night Craig checks himself in there.