It’s Kind of a Funny Story


Ned Vizzini

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on It’s Kind of a Funny Story makes teaching easy.

It’s Kind of a Funny Story: Chapter 50 Summary & Analysis

The next morning, Mom and Dad arrive at 7:45 a.m. to take Craig home. Armelio, Bobby, the Professor, Smitty, and Ebony all say goodbye. Noelle asks for him to call her later that evening. Craig introduces Noelle to Mom and Dad. As he’s about to leave, Muqtada comes and hugs Craig one last time. The door opens, and Craig and his family leave.
Craig’s discharge from the hospital is both an exciting and potentially stressful event. The doors of the hospital represent the threshold that Craig crosses as he returns to his new life. This passage conveys hope but also uncertainty, suggesting that as much as Craig connected with others in the hospital, what awaits him outside is still unknown.
Mental Health Theme Icon
Craig asks Mom and Dad if he can just walk alone for about a minute, and they let him. As he walks, he has a new appreciation for the city around him and feels that perhaps he’s in the middle of a big Shift. He thinks of all the things he wants to do while he’s alive. He promises to start living life for real.
The final passage of the book ends things on a hopeful note. Craig has reversed his views of the future and now looks forward to all the things that he still wants to do with his life. His decision to walk alone shows how he has taken the advice of his therapists and learned to manage his depression symptoms on his own terms—although he reached this stage of independence through the help of the relationships he formed in the hospital.
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Art and Self-Discovery Theme Icon
Peer Pressure vs. Self-Empowerment  Theme Icon
Friendship and Romance Theme Icon