Ajax Quotes in The Silence of the Girls
“It’s not his fault,” she said. “He has these awful nightmares, sometimes he wakes up, he thinks I’m a Trojan.”
“You are a Trojan,” I said.
“No, I mean a fighter,” Tecmessa said.
We’re going to survive—our songs, our stories. They’ll never be able to forget us. Decades after the last man who fought at Troy is dead, their sons will remember the songs their Trojan mothers sang to them.
Ajax Quotes in The Silence of the Girls
“It’s not his fault,” she said. “He has these awful nightmares, sometimes he wakes up, he thinks I’m a Trojan.”
“You are a Trojan,” I said.
“No, I mean a fighter,” Tecmessa said.
We’re going to survive—our songs, our stories. They’ll never be able to forget us. Decades after the last man who fought at Troy is dead, their sons will remember the songs their Trojan mothers sang to them.