Fever Pitch


Nick Hornby

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Fever Pitch: Chapter 67 Summary & Analysis

At Liverpool v Forest game in 1989, there is a crowd-control issue that kills 95 people. Nick is appalled that there was never legislation enacted before this point to prevent such an incident. Afterward, some suggest making all football games completely seated. This is contentious because it would make tickets more expensive. Nick realizes that the people arguing against seated games place far too much importance on football—they feel disproportionately deeply about their allegiances to their teams. That said, Nick goes to a game merely two weeks after the incident at Hillsborough, and it reminds him how enjoyable football is.
Nick alternatingly exaggerates and underplays his obsession with Arsenal. He criticizes other fans for being too invested in football, seeming to momentarily forget that he himself is the most devoted football fan his family and friends know. Even though Nick resents the violence and aggression that has been increasing at football games in recent years, he is willing to turn a blind eye to it at times.
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