Fever Pitch


Nick Hornby

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Fever Pitch: Chapter 69 Summary & Analysis

Nick is now in his 30s, and he notices that many of his opinions have changed since he was younger. He drinks less, and he enjoys going to dinner more than going to a party. In general, he feels more tired than he used to. As a result, he also buys seated season tickets to Arsenal games. He goes to games with Pete, his girlfriend, and his friend Andy, who used to go by “Rat” when they were in the Schoolboy’s Enclosure. Having a seat at games gives him a stronger sense of belonging to the crowd.
Transitioning from the standing terraces to seated tickets parallels Nick’s transition out of the Schoolboy’s Enclosure many years prior. Both changes mark significant evolution into later periods of life. When Nick left the Schoolboy’s Enclosure he transitioned into adulthood. Now, he transitions out of young adulthood and into a more stable period of life. Both changes bring a more pronounced sense of belonging and connectedness.
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