I Will Always Write Back

I Will Always Write Back


Caitlin Alifirenka, Martin Ganda, and Liz Welch

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Damon Character Analysis

Damon is Caitlin’s first serious boyfriend. Though he can sometimes be immature and jealous, the fact that his father struggles with multiple sclerosis has helped make Damon more sensitive than other boys his age. Damon’s parents allow him to smoke marijuana in the house, which is very different from Caitlin’s situation and reminds her that all families are unique. Though Damon doesn’t always understand Caitlin’s relationship with Martin, he does ultimately show support by coming with the family on the day Martin first arrives in the U.S.

Damon Quotes in I Will Always Write Back

The I Will Always Write Back quotes below are all either spoken by Damon or refer to Damon. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
Part 4: Caitlin, March 2001 Quotes

Damon was different from the guys I dated in middle school. He was more mature, and sensitive. I understood why when I met his dad. He had MS and was in a wheelchair as a result. That meant he needed full-time care to do anything from eat to go to the bathroom. Damon’s mom took care of his dad, and basically let her kids fend for themselves.

Related Characters: Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka (speaker), Caitlin’s Mom (Anne Neville), Caitlin’s Dad (Richard Stoicsitz), Damon
Page Number: 252
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 4: Caitlin, April 2001 Quotes

The day after my birthday, my mom took me out of school to go get my learner’s permit. Damon met me at the DMV—he had skipped school, but lied to my mom when she asked him why he had the day off.

Related Characters: Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka (speaker), Martin Ganda, Caitlin’s Mom (Anne Neville), Caitlin’s Dad (Richard Stoicsitz), Damon
Page Number: 262
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 5: Caitlin, September 2001 Quotes

I started connecting all the pieces: My dad worked for the government; he was at a military base; the Pentagon had been hit. I jumped to the impossible notion: My dad may be dead. I shook my head. That was preposterous. But then I remembered the fire I saw in the sky on the TV earlier that morning. That seemed impossible too.

Related Characters: Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka (speaker), Caitlin’s Mom (Anne Neville), Caitlin’s Dad (Richard Stoicsitz), Richie, Damon
Page Number: 278
Explanation and Analysis:
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Damon Quotes in I Will Always Write Back

The I Will Always Write Back quotes below are all either spoken by Damon or refer to Damon. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
Part 4: Caitlin, March 2001 Quotes

Damon was different from the guys I dated in middle school. He was more mature, and sensitive. I understood why when I met his dad. He had MS and was in a wheelchair as a result. That meant he needed full-time care to do anything from eat to go to the bathroom. Damon’s mom took care of his dad, and basically let her kids fend for themselves.

Related Characters: Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka (speaker), Caitlin’s Mom (Anne Neville), Caitlin’s Dad (Richard Stoicsitz), Damon
Page Number: 252
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 4: Caitlin, April 2001 Quotes

The day after my birthday, my mom took me out of school to go get my learner’s permit. Damon met me at the DMV—he had skipped school, but lied to my mom when she asked him why he had the day off.

Related Characters: Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka (speaker), Martin Ganda, Caitlin’s Mom (Anne Neville), Caitlin’s Dad (Richard Stoicsitz), Damon
Page Number: 262
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 5: Caitlin, September 2001 Quotes

I started connecting all the pieces: My dad worked for the government; he was at a military base; the Pentagon had been hit. I jumped to the impossible notion: My dad may be dead. I shook my head. That was preposterous. But then I remembered the fire I saw in the sky on the TV earlier that morning. That seemed impossible too.

Related Characters: Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka (speaker), Caitlin’s Mom (Anne Neville), Caitlin’s Dad (Richard Stoicsitz), Richie, Damon
Page Number: 278
Explanation and Analysis: