I Will Always Write Back

I Will Always Write Back


Caitlin Alifirenka, Martin Ganda, and Liz Welch

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Nation Character Analysis

Nation is Martin’s older brother. It was his birth that caused Martin’s father and Martin’s mother to get married and move to Chisamba Singles (to be near Martin’s father’s job in the paper mill). Like Martin, Nation is fascinated by American culture and is particularly appreciative when Caitlin sends Martin clothes and shoes from the United States. He is often there to help Martin, particularly when their mother gets sick with malaria and they have to take her to a far-away clinic in a wheelbarrow.

Nation Quotes in I Will Always Write Back

The I Will Always Write Back quotes below are all either spoken by Nation or refer to Nation. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
Part 2: Martin, January 1999 Quotes

Toward the end of 1998, things really began to disintegrate for my family. I was just about to finish Form Two, the equivalent of eighth grade in America. Nation and I began working after school as well as weekends in order to help feed our family. My father’s paycheck was never enough. It was rough. Worse, I could see how it affected my father. He was no longer singing when he came home, if he came home at all. Some nights he’d creep in late, well after we had all gone to sleep. I’d wake up, not from any noise but from the sweet, rancid smell of Chibuku.

Related Characters: Martin Ganda (speaker), Martin’s Father (George Ganda), Martin’s Mother (Chioniso Ganda), Nation
Page Number: 87
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 4: Martin, July 2001 Quotes

Hours later, a nurse confirmed it was malaria—thankfully not cerebral. She needed IV fluids immediately. She was so dehydrated that she was at risk of dying without them. But the hospital couldn’t afford to supply any medicine. Instead, the nurse told us what we needed, and then we had to secure it.

“There is a man outside wearing a blue shirt,” she said. “He sells IVs.”

Related Characters: Martin Ganda (speaker), Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka, Caitlin’s Mom (Anne Neville), Martin’s Mother (Chioniso Ganda), Nation
Page Number: 267
Explanation and Analysis:
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Nation Quotes in I Will Always Write Back

The I Will Always Write Back quotes below are all either spoken by Nation or refer to Nation. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
Part 2: Martin, January 1999 Quotes

Toward the end of 1998, things really began to disintegrate for my family. I was just about to finish Form Two, the equivalent of eighth grade in America. Nation and I began working after school as well as weekends in order to help feed our family. My father’s paycheck was never enough. It was rough. Worse, I could see how it affected my father. He was no longer singing when he came home, if he came home at all. Some nights he’d creep in late, well after we had all gone to sleep. I’d wake up, not from any noise but from the sweet, rancid smell of Chibuku.

Related Characters: Martin Ganda (speaker), Martin’s Father (George Ganda), Martin’s Mother (Chioniso Ganda), Nation
Page Number: 87
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 4: Martin, July 2001 Quotes

Hours later, a nurse confirmed it was malaria—thankfully not cerebral. She needed IV fluids immediately. She was so dehydrated that she was at risk of dying without them. But the hospital couldn’t afford to supply any medicine. Instead, the nurse told us what we needed, and then we had to secure it.

“There is a man outside wearing a blue shirt,” she said. “He sells IVs.”

Related Characters: Martin Ganda (speaker), Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka, Caitlin’s Mom (Anne Neville), Martin’s Mother (Chioniso Ganda), Nation
Page Number: 267
Explanation and Analysis: