I Will Always Write Back

I Will Always Write Back


Caitlin Alifirenka, Martin Ganda, and Liz Welch

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Richie is Caitlin’s older brother and Richard and Anne’s son. Though he sometimes teases Caitlin, ultimately he supports his sister, even offering his clothes to send as donations to Caitlin’s Zimbabwean pen pal, Martin. Richie struggles at first in college, eventually dropping out after he parties too hard at his first school, although eventually he reenrolls. Richie shows how even people with supportive families and other advantages can sometimes face challenges in the education system.

Richie Quotes in I Will Always Write Back

The I Will Always Write Back quotes below are all either spoken by Richie or refer to Richie. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
Part 5: Caitlin, September 2001 Quotes

I started connecting all the pieces: My dad worked for the government; he was at a military base; the Pentagon had been hit. I jumped to the impossible notion: My dad may be dead. I shook my head. That was preposterous. But then I remembered the fire I saw in the sky on the TV earlier that morning. That seemed impossible too.

Related Characters: Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka (speaker), Caitlin’s Mom (Anne Neville), Caitlin’s Dad (Richard Stoicsitz), Richie, Damon
Page Number: 278
Explanation and Analysis:
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Richie Quotes in I Will Always Write Back

The I Will Always Write Back quotes below are all either spoken by Richie or refer to Richie. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
Part 5: Caitlin, September 2001 Quotes

I started connecting all the pieces: My dad worked for the government; he was at a military base; the Pentagon had been hit. I jumped to the impossible notion: My dad may be dead. I shook my head. That was preposterous. But then I remembered the fire I saw in the sky on the TV earlier that morning. That seemed impossible too.

Related Characters: Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka (speaker), Caitlin’s Mom (Anne Neville), Caitlin’s Dad (Richard Stoicsitz), Richie, Damon
Page Number: 278
Explanation and Analysis: