I Will Always Write Back

I Will Always Write Back


Caitlin Alifirenka, Martin Ganda, and Liz Welch

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I Will Always Write Back: Part 4: Martin, April 2001 Summary & Analysis

In Zimbabwe, Martin is starting to settle into his new school, but he finds out that the deposit from Alois has not yet arrived. The bursar gives him a week to sort it out. Martin is excited by the brilliant teachers and large library but also intimidated by the classes entirely in English and by his smart classmates.
Even after he has made it into school, Martin faces financial difficulties that threaten his future education. He faces challenges that other students at his school don’t have to worry about, which makes it harder for him to fit in.
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At an assembly, the headmaster calls Martin into his office to discuss his missing deposit payment. Martin calls Alois, who says that the payment should be coming that very day. The payment comes in, but Alois also says that he won’t be able to help with future payments.
Although Alois seems rich compared to Martin’s family, his resources are limited, especially compared to a middle-class American family like Caitlin’s. Though Alois (and many others in the book) would clearly like to help Martin, the financial realities of living in Zimbabwe don’t always make that possible.
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Martin works hard and hopes for a miracle that will allow him to find enough money to stay in school. One day, Martin is called into the headmaster’s office and believes he is about to be sent home. Instead, he learns that he has received a scholarship that will pay for the rest of his time at school. Martin is overjoyed and proudly walks back to class.
Though Martin is ultimately successful at getting his education funded, he cuts it close. This suggests that there may be other students, equally as talented as Martin, who don’t have the same luck and who never have the opportunity to reach their potential in school.
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