I Will Always Write Back

I Will Always Write Back


Caitlin Alifirenka, Martin Ganda, and Liz Welch

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I Will Always Write Back: Part 3: Caitlin, November 1999 Summary & Analysis

In Pennsylvania, over the summer of 1999, Caitlin grows six inches. The growth comes so quickly that she starts having back pain and has to go to physical therapy.
Caitlin mentions her physical growth in order to highlight all the other ways that she was growing as a person at this time. Her growth pains show that sometimes development can be difficult.
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The next envelope Caitlin receives from Martin is thicker than usual—it contains three letters, with one for Caitlin’s mom and Caitlin’s dad. In the letter to Caitlin’s parents, Martin reluctantly asks for money for school. Caitlin hasn’t told her parents the truth about how close she is with Martin, or that she’s sent money before, but she decides it’s time to tell them everything.
Caitlin finally being honest with her parents represents the next step of her relationship with Martin. With each new person that gets involved, their relationship becomes less about just the physical letters they exchange, growing into something bigger.
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At dinner that night, Caitlin asks if it’s possible to send her entire college fund to Martin, which her parents immediately reject. Caitlin volunteers to show them his letters, including the one addressed to them. Caitlin’s dad asks if maybe it’s a scam, which upsets Caitlin. Finally, Caitlin’s parents agree to discuss the matter and get back to her.
Caitlin’s relative wealth has allowed her to be naïve about certain financial matters—she doesn’t really know how much is in her college fund or how much Martin needs. Caitlin’s parents don’t know as much about Martin and are initially skeptical.
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Caitlin’s parents don’t give her an answer about Martin right away, but they say they’re looking into ways to help him. Caitlin’s mom contacts embassies and tries to figure out the best way to transfer money (since postal workers sometimes open mail). Caitlin gets the idea of hiding $20 behind a photo and leaving clues in the letter. Her mom agrees to pay this time.
Ultimately, Caitlin’s parents decide to trust their daughter’s judgment. They help illustrate a point that Caitlin will make later—that “kindness is contagious”—since they are motivated to help because of Caitlin’s own initial generosity.
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Some people in Caitlin’s life, like a friend’s mom, worry that Martin is a scammer, because Nigerian phishing scams have been in the news lately. Caitlin is aware of the dangers but still believes Martin is honest. She worries about his safety after she doesn’t hear from him for a while.
While mail and internet scams are a real possibility, Caitlin never doubts Martin’s intentions because she has seen his photos and read his letters. Their relationship illustrates how communication can lead to trust.
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Caitlin decides to send Martin and his family new clothes, and Caitlin’s mom agrees to help. They end up buying more than just clothes, and instead of using packing peanuts, they use candy. Caitlin’s mom’s friend suggests sending such a large package through the American or Canadian embassy.
With the help of her mom, Caitlin is able to take her generosity to a new level. Caitlin’s earlier generosity has laid the groundwork for their new gifts, which will in turn encourage even more generosity.
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