I Will Always Write Back

I Will Always Write Back


Caitlin Alifirenka, Martin Ganda, and Liz Welch

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I Will Always Write Back: Part 3: Martin, June 2000 Summary & Analysis

In Zimbabwe, Martin gets news that there’s a call for him at the post office. It’s Caitlin on the other line: she tells him that her mom has worked everything out with the headmaster, and that Martin won’t have to worry about school fees any more.
In spite of all the difficulties, Caitlin and her mom have managed to ensure that Martin’s education is paid for. The phone call is a moment of triumph where they can celebrate their victory together, at least for the moment.
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On top of the school tuition, Martin receives the $100 from Western Union, bringing relief to his family. He vows to study for his exams and make the most of his new opportunity.
Having money allows Martin to focus on his studies instead of working odd jobs for extra cash, showing how economic status can play a role in academics.
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