I Will Always Write Back

I Will Always Write Back


Caitlin Alifirenka, Martin Ganda, and Liz Welch

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I Will Always Write Back: Part 5: Caitlin, November 2002 Summary & Analysis

In Pennsylvania, Wallace comes to visit Caitlin’s family during the last week in October, then starts coming every weekend. He doesn’t like how other students get drunk on weekends and is having a hard time making friends.
Though attending an American university is Martin’s dream, Wallace’s experience shows that this dream doesn’t always match up with the reality, particularly when he feels out of place because of his own cultural background.
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Richie gets accepted at Temple. Caitlin’s mom invites Wallace to temporarily live with them, since Richie will also be commuting and Wallace doesn’t get along with his current roommate.
The fact that Richie and Wallace will be commuting to the same university sets up a parallel between them, foreshadowing the ways in which Martin, too, will eventually become like a son to Caitlin’s family.
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