I Will Always Write Back

I Will Always Write Back


Caitlin Alifirenka, Martin Ganda, and Liz Welch

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I Will Always Write Back: Part 6: Caitlin, April 2003 Summary & Analysis

In Pennsylvania, Caitlin’s mom begins to focus on trying to get Martin into Villanova because she had a good feeling about the International Admission staff there. Ultimately, however, Villanova ends up like the others, offering a spot but no money. Caitlin’s mom is disappointed but tells Caitlin to focus on her own finals for the moment, and that she’ll keep working on Martin.
Villanova is a Catholic university, and Caitlin’s mom’s frustration with the university seems to be in part because its refusal to give Martin enough scholarship money seems to be at odds with Christian ideas about helping the poor. Villanova is also attractive to them because it’s close to Philadelphia, meaning Martin could easily see Caitlin.
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