I Will Always Write Back

I Will Always Write Back


Caitlin Alifirenka, Martin Ganda, and Liz Welch

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George Ganda works in a paper mill and is the father of Martin Ganda (Caitlin’s Zimbabwean pen pal), as well as Martin’s siblings Nation, Simba, Lois, and George. Even living in Chisamba Singles, one of the poorest areas of Zimbabwe, George struggles to provide for his family, in part because the declining Zimbabwe economy has caused factories to replace experienced workers with younger ones who can be paid less. This eventually causes George to lose his job. George’s money problems are part of what motivates him to drink, which only makes his economic situation even worse. Despite the problems his drinking causes, however, George still tries to be supportive of his children. When Caitlin starts sending money to Martin, George doesn’t let his pride get in the way; he gratefully accepts the money and encourages Martin to continue his unusual relationship with Caitlin. Though George himself doesn’t have many options to change his circumstances, he always encourages Martin to get an education so that Martin might one day be able to lead a different life.

Martin’s Father (George Ganda) Quotes in I Will Always Write Back

The I Will Always Write Back quotes below are all either spoken by Martin’s Father (George Ganda) or refer to Martin’s Father (George Ganda). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
Part 2: Caitlin, December 1998 Quotes

It was strange, because even though we had never met, Martin was the only person I felt I could be totally honest with. I never worried that he would judge or tease. On the contrary, I could tell Martin whatever was happening in my life, knowing he’d always take my side, no matter what.

Related Characters: Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka (speaker), Martin Ganda, Martin’s Father (George Ganda)
Page Number: 85
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: Martin, January 1999 Quotes

Toward the end of 1998, things really began to disintegrate for my family. I was just about to finish Form Two, the equivalent of eighth grade in America. Nation and I began working after school as well as weekends in order to help feed our family. My father’s paycheck was never enough. It was rough. Worse, I could see how it affected my father. He was no longer singing when he came home, if he came home at all. Some nights he’d creep in late, well after we had all gone to sleep. I’d wake up, not from any noise but from the sweet, rancid smell of Chibuku.

Related Characters: Martin Ganda (speaker), Martin’s Father (George Ganda), Martin’s Mother (Chioniso Ganda), Nation
Page Number: 87
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 3: Martin, June 1999 Quotes

A lesser man may have been threatened by Caitlin’s generosity. Here was a fourteen-year-old girl sending us more money than my father made in several months. My father only had love and respect for Caitlin. Her letters had always been precious to me. Now they were also crucial to my whole family. We were on a ship that was sinking, huddled at the tip before it went under. Caitlin’s gift was a lifeboat.

My mother was afraid to keep this much money in our house. It made us a target in these difficult times.

Related Characters: Martin Ganda (speaker), Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka, Martin’s Father (George Ganda), Martin’s Mother (Chioniso Ganda)
Related Symbols: Chicken
Page Number: 124
Explanation and Analysis:
Epilogue: Caitlin, October 2015 Quotes

I have no idea what any of these young people will do with the emotions our story stirred in each of them—but I am excited by the possibilities. It’s why I wanted to write this book.

Kindness is contagious. It changes lives. It changed mine. What will it do for you?

Related Characters: Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka (speaker), Martin Ganda, Caitlin’s Mom (Anne Neville), Martin’s Father (George Ganda), Martin’s Mother (Chioniso Ganda), Caitlin’s Dad (Richard Stoicsitz), Lois
Page Number: 396
Explanation and Analysis:
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Martin’s Father (George Ganda) Quotes in I Will Always Write Back

The I Will Always Write Back quotes below are all either spoken by Martin’s Father (George Ganda) or refer to Martin’s Father (George Ganda). For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
Part 2: Caitlin, December 1998 Quotes

It was strange, because even though we had never met, Martin was the only person I felt I could be totally honest with. I never worried that he would judge or tease. On the contrary, I could tell Martin whatever was happening in my life, knowing he’d always take my side, no matter what.

Related Characters: Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka (speaker), Martin Ganda, Martin’s Father (George Ganda)
Page Number: 85
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 2: Martin, January 1999 Quotes

Toward the end of 1998, things really began to disintegrate for my family. I was just about to finish Form Two, the equivalent of eighth grade in America. Nation and I began working after school as well as weekends in order to help feed our family. My father’s paycheck was never enough. It was rough. Worse, I could see how it affected my father. He was no longer singing when he came home, if he came home at all. Some nights he’d creep in late, well after we had all gone to sleep. I’d wake up, not from any noise but from the sweet, rancid smell of Chibuku.

Related Characters: Martin Ganda (speaker), Martin’s Father (George Ganda), Martin’s Mother (Chioniso Ganda), Nation
Page Number: 87
Explanation and Analysis:
Part 3: Martin, June 1999 Quotes

A lesser man may have been threatened by Caitlin’s generosity. Here was a fourteen-year-old girl sending us more money than my father made in several months. My father only had love and respect for Caitlin. Her letters had always been precious to me. Now they were also crucial to my whole family. We were on a ship that was sinking, huddled at the tip before it went under. Caitlin’s gift was a lifeboat.

My mother was afraid to keep this much money in our house. It made us a target in these difficult times.

Related Characters: Martin Ganda (speaker), Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka, Martin’s Father (George Ganda), Martin’s Mother (Chioniso Ganda)
Related Symbols: Chicken
Page Number: 124
Explanation and Analysis:
Epilogue: Caitlin, October 2015 Quotes

I have no idea what any of these young people will do with the emotions our story stirred in each of them—but I am excited by the possibilities. It’s why I wanted to write this book.

Kindness is contagious. It changes lives. It changed mine. What will it do for you?

Related Characters: Caitlin Stoicsitz Alifirenka (speaker), Martin Ganda, Caitlin’s Mom (Anne Neville), Martin’s Father (George Ganda), Martin’s Mother (Chioniso Ganda), Caitlin’s Dad (Richard Stoicsitz), Lois
Page Number: 396
Explanation and Analysis: