I Will Always Write Back

I Will Always Write Back


Caitlin Alifirenka, Martin Ganda, and Liz Welch

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I Will Always Write Back: Part 3: Caitlin, September 2000 Summary & Analysis

In Pennsylvania, Caitlin is excited to start 10th grade. She chooses to study Southern Africa in a World Culture class. She uses her new knowledge to learn what sorts of things Martin’s family might need, then gets a job at a local pizzeria to pay for them.
Caitlin’s relationship with Martin is no longer a secret or a separate part of her life: it is also motivating what she does during the school day and after school at work.
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Caitlin makes new friends at school, like Lisa from the tennis team. Together they go to the mall, where they meet two older boys with a car and try alcohol for the first time. They all end up at a nightclub, when suddenly Caitlin gets a call from her mom, asking her to come home. The boys race to get Caitlin and Lisa home. Caitlin’s mom knows something is up, but she and her dad just say they’re glad Caitlin is home safe.
Caitlin’s life isn’t entirely focused on Martin, though. This episode with boys, a car, and alcohol shows that Caitlin is also experiencing the same rites of passage as many other American teenagers from her time period. She is no longer defined by her status as an “average” teen girl thanks to her relationship with Martin, but she also has a whole life outside of Martin.
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