I Will Always Write Back

I Will Always Write Back


Caitlin Alifirenka, Martin Ganda, and Liz Welch

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Wallace Character Analysis

Wallace is one of the first friends that Martin makes when he leaves behind his old school in Zimbabwe to attend one of the nation’s most prestigious boarding schools. Like Martin, Wallace also comes from a poor area of Zimbabwe, so the two have a lot in common. Wallace manages to get accepted to study at an American university. Though he initially struggles to adapt to the new culture, Caitlin’s family helps him feel more welcome in the new country. Wallace acts as proof, both for Caitlin and for Martin, that it’s possible for someone from Martin’s background to study in the United States, and so his story gives hope to both of them.
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Wallace Character Timeline in I Will Always Write Back

The timeline below shows where the character Wallace appears in I Will Always Write Back. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 5: Martin, June 2002
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
Family Theme Icon
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...college admissions process. Martin already knows a little bit because he has a friend named Wallace who has taken the SATs and is going abroad. He makes an arrangement with the... (full context)
Part 5: Martin, August 2002
Friendship Theme Icon
Family Theme Icon
In Zimbabwe, Martin tells his friend Wallace (who is traveling to the United States for college) that he should reach out to... (full context)
Part 5: Caitlin, September 2002
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In Pennsylvania, Caitlin is excited to hear about Wallace, because he is proof that someone from Zimbabwe can make it to an American university. (full context)
Part 5: Martin, September 2002
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...SAT confirming that he has a test date in Harare. He gets another email from Wallace saying that the email addresses Martin gave for Caitlin and Caitlin’s mom aren’t working. Martin... (full context)
Part 5: Caitlin, October 2002
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...University to finish his degree. Soon after, they are shocked to get an email from Wallace saying that he is studying at Temple. (full context)
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
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Caitlin’s mom goes to visit Wallace at Temple. Wallace doesn’t have anything in his dorm room, so Caitlin’s mom tells Caitlin... (full context)
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
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Caitlin’s family takes Wallace to a restaurant, and he is surprised by some of the things he sees, like... (full context)
Part 5: Martin, October 2002
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
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Family Theme Icon
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In Zimbabwe, Martin gets an email from Wallace about how nice Caitlin’s family is. Martin also gets emails from Caitlin’s mom, updating him... (full context)
Part 5: Caitlin, November 2002
Friendship Theme Icon
Family Theme Icon
In Pennsylvania, Wallace comes to visit Caitlin’s family during the last week in October, then starts coming every... (full context)
Family Theme Icon
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Richie gets accepted at Temple. Caitlin’s mom invites Wallace to temporarily live with them, since Richie will also be commuting and Wallace doesn’t get... (full context)
Part 6: Martin, May 2003
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
Friendship Theme Icon
In Zimbabwe, Martin learns about how much his friend Wallace is struggling at school in the United States. Wallace’s family in Zimbabwe is grateful for... (full context)
Friendship Theme Icon
Family Theme Icon
Wallace’s parents tell Martin about the help Caitlin’s family has provided to Wallace. They go to... (full context)
Part 6: Martin, August 2003
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
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Education Theme Icon
...the money he got from Caitlin’s mom. He goes to Victoria Falls to wait with Wallace’s parents for the plane tickets to arrive, but by August 11, the tickets still haven’t... (full context)
Part 6: Martin, August 14, 2003
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
Education Theme Icon
Wallace’s parents say that they’re taking Martin to the airport and that he’ll get on a... (full context)
Part 6: Caitlin, August 15, 2003
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
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Family Theme Icon
Education Theme Icon
...they’re his own family. Martin has arrived with nothing but a toothbrush, some things for Wallace, and the clothes on his back—Caitlin’s mom has promised to take care of everything else.... (full context)
Part 6: Martin, August 15, 2003
Kindness and Generosity Theme Icon
Family Theme Icon
Education Theme Icon
Martin gets the same room in Caitlin’s family’s house that Wallace had stayed in earlier. Caitlin decides to take Martin to the mall for the first... (full context)
Epilogue: Martin, March 5, 2008
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...Martin gives a speech about how he is grateful that she met her husband Dzmitry. Wallace is there too and also cheers. Martin was living in Manhattan when he heard that... (full context)