Unaccustomed Earth


Jhumpa Lahiri

Felicia and Jared Character Analysis

Felicia and Jared sit by Amit and Megan at Pam’s wedding, engaging them both in separate conversations. Amit speaks to Felicia while Megan speaks to Jared, and Amit begins to feel the effects of the drinks he’s had. Felicia asks increasingly invasive, personal questions about Amit and Megan’s marriage, and Amit tipsily tells her that, after Monika’s birth, their marriage effectively “disappeared.” This comment upsets Felicia, who doesn’t think such discussions are appropriate for a wedding.
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Felicia and Jared Character Timeline in Unaccustomed Earth

The timeline below shows where the character Felicia and Jared appears in Unaccustomed Earth. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
3. A Choice of Accommodations
Cultural Identity and the Immigrant Experience Theme Icon
Family and Generational Conflict Theme Icon
Loneliness and Isolation Theme Icon
During dinner, Amit and Megan are seated by a couple, Felicia and Jared , who quickly engage them in separate conversations. Felicia asks Amit about their wedding, and... (full context)