Unaccustomed Earth


Jhumpa Lahiri

Rupa and Piu Character Analysis

Rupa and Piu are Chitra’s daughters and Kaushik’s stepsisters, introduced in “Year’s End.” Polite and attentive young girls, they try to be friendly and welcoming toward Kaushik. Though the three initially bond, Kaushik ultimately views them as unwelcome reminders of Dr. Chaudhury’s perceived betrayal, and he struggles to accept them as anything but intruders in his life. They remind him of the life his father chose to move forward with, further deepening his sense of alienation and unresolved grief over Parul’s passing.

Rupa and Piu Quotes in Unaccustomed Earth

The Unaccustomed Earth quotes below are all either spoken by Rupa and Piu or refer to Rupa and Piu. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Cultural Identity and the Immigrant Experience Theme Icon
7. Hema and Kaushik: Year’s End Quotes

They would recall all of this, perhaps not as clearly as I remember those first months at your parents’ home, but nevertheless they would remember. Like them I had lost a parent and was now being asked to accept a replacement. I wondered how well they remembered their father; Piu would only have been five at the time.

Related Characters: Kaushik (speaker), Dr. Choudhuri/Kaushik’s Father, Chitra, Rupa and Piu
Page Number: 272
Explanation and Analysis:

But there were too many pictures, and after a few I, like my father, could no longer bear their sight. A slight lessening in the pressure of my fingertips and the ones I was holding would have blown away into that wild sea, scattering down to where my mother’s ashes already resided. [...] so I put them back in the box and began to break the hardened ground.

Related Characters: Kaushik (speaker), Hema, Dr. Choudhuri/Kaushik’s Father, Parul/Kaushik’s Mother, Rupa and Piu
Related Symbols: Photographs
Page Number: 292
Explanation and Analysis:
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Rupa and Piu Quotes in Unaccustomed Earth

The Unaccustomed Earth quotes below are all either spoken by Rupa and Piu or refer to Rupa and Piu. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Cultural Identity and the Immigrant Experience Theme Icon
7. Hema and Kaushik: Year’s End Quotes

They would recall all of this, perhaps not as clearly as I remember those first months at your parents’ home, but nevertheless they would remember. Like them I had lost a parent and was now being asked to accept a replacement. I wondered how well they remembered their father; Piu would only have been five at the time.

Related Characters: Kaushik (speaker), Dr. Choudhuri/Kaushik’s Father, Chitra, Rupa and Piu
Page Number: 272
Explanation and Analysis:

But there were too many pictures, and after a few I, like my father, could no longer bear their sight. A slight lessening in the pressure of my fingertips and the ones I was holding would have blown away into that wild sea, scattering down to where my mother’s ashes already resided. [...] so I put them back in the box and began to break the hardened ground.

Related Characters: Kaushik (speaker), Hema, Dr. Choudhuri/Kaushik’s Father, Parul/Kaushik’s Mother, Rupa and Piu
Related Symbols: Photographs
Page Number: 292
Explanation and Analysis: