Unaccustomed Earth


Jhumpa Lahiri

Mr. Nagle Character Analysis

Mr. Nagle is Amit’s former English teacher at Langford Academy. At Pam’s wedding, he’s surprised that Amit didn’t become a journalist, as he had always been a talented writer. Mr. Nagle only appears briefly in the story, but he provides Amit with a metaphorical mirror, reminding him of the talents he sacrificed for the life he thought his parents wanted him to have after completing medical school.
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Mr. Nagle Character Timeline in Unaccustomed Earth

The timeline below shows where the character Mr. Nagle appears in Unaccustomed Earth. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
3. A Choice of Accommodations
Family and Generational Conflict Theme Icon
Love, Loss, and Nostalgia Theme Icon
Home and Belonging Theme Icon
...for the bathroom, Amit grabs fresh drinks and catches up with old instructors and classmates. Mr. Nagle , his former English teacher, is surprised to learn that Amit didn’t pursue a career... (full context)