Unaccustomed Earth


Jhumpa Lahiri

Themes and Colors
Cultural Identity and the Immigrant Experience Theme Icon
Family and Generational Conflict Theme Icon
Love, Loss, and Nostalgia Theme Icon
Loneliness and Isolation Theme Icon
Home and Belonging Theme Icon
LitCharts assigns a color and icon to each theme in Unaccustomed Earth, which you can use to track the themes throughout the work.
Loneliness and Isolation Theme Icon

Throughout Unaccustomed Earth, Jhumpa Lahiri explores loneliness as a pervasive force that shapes many characters’ choices. Across the collection, the isolation they experience—emotional, physical, or both—eventually drives them to pivotal self-discovery and understanding. In “Unaccustomed Earth,” Usha’s father seeks closeness with Mrs. Bagchi not solely out of romantic interest but also to fill the void left by his late wife. While he once felt alone even in his marriage, her passing allows him to unearth new parts of himself as he travels the world on his own. For the first time in his life, his solitude is chosen—and the story suggests this makes all the difference. In “Hell-Heaven,” Aparna feels totally alone in her arranged marriage and finds herself drawn to Pranab, whose attention reinvigorates her. Her unfulfilled longing eventually awakens her to the emotional limitations of her life, leading her to become dangerously depressed. But a brief interaction with a neighbor who comments on the sunset jolts her out of her suicidal haze, leading her to accept her reality and reaffirm her relationships with her family. While Lahiri’s stories show that loneliness can, at times, be a positive experience that leads to self-discovery, they also highlight the dangers that physical and emotional isolation pose to people’s wellbeing. Only by connecting with others and attempting to remedy their isolation, the collection suggests, can people begin to heal and find fulfillment.

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Loneliness and Isolation Quotes in Unaccustomed Earth

Below you will find the important quotes in Unaccustomed Earth related to the theme of Loneliness and Isolation.
2. Hell-Heaven Quotes

There is only one photograph in which my mother appears; she is holding me as I sit straddling her lap [...] In that picture, Pranab Kaku’s shadow, his two arms raised at angles to hold the camera to his face, hovers in the corner of the frame, his darkened, featureless shape superimposed on one side of my mother’s body. It was always the three of us.

Related Characters: Usha (speaker), Aparna, Pranab Kaku/Pranab Chakraborty, Usha’s Father, Kaushik, Parul/Kaushik’s Mother
Related Symbols: Photographs
Page Number: 64
Explanation and Analysis:

I began to take my cues from my father in dealing with her, isolating her doubly. When she screamed at me for talking too long on the telephone, or for staying too long in my room, I learned to scream back, telling her that she was pathetic, that she knew nothing about me, and it was clear to us both that I had stopped needing her, definitively and abruptly, just as Pranab Kaku had.

Related Characters: Usha (speaker), Aparna, Pranab Kaku/Pranab Chakraborty, Deborah , Usha’s Father
Page Number: 76-77
Explanation and Analysis:
3. A Choice of Accommodations Quotes

“Now we know what that feels like,” she told him, and he knew then that it was impossible, that she did not like him in that way. She had indulged him, just as her family had indulged him once a year in their home, offering a small piece of herself and then shutting the door.

Related Characters: Pam Borden (speaker), Amit Sarkar, Headmaster Borden
Page Number: 100
Explanation and Analysis:

There were things he had always meant to understand better: Russian history, the succession of Roman emperors, Greek philosophy. He wanted to read what he was told each evening, to do as he was told. [...] His daughters would begin that journey soon enough, the world opening up for them in its awesome entirety. But there was no time now, not even to look at the whole paper on Sundays.

Related Characters: Amit Sarkar, Megan Sarkar, Pam Borden, Maya and Monika
Page Number: 122
Explanation and Analysis:
4. Only Goodness Quotes

And so he became what all parents feared, a blot, a failure, someone who was not contributing to the grand circle of accomplishments Bengali children were making across the country, as surgeons or attorneys or scientists, or writing articles for the front page of The New York Times.

Related Characters: Sudha, Rahul, Sudha’s Parents
Related Symbols: Alcohol and Drinking
Page Number: 151
Explanation and Analysis:

It was like the painting they’d first looked at together in London, the small mirror at the back revealing more than the room at first appeared to contain. And what was the point of making Roger lean in close, to see what she was already forced to?

Related Characters: Sudha, Rahul, Roger Featherstone
Related Symbols: Alcohol and Drinking
Page Number: 157
Explanation and Analysis:
5. Nobody’s Business Quotes

“Do you live here?” he asked.

“I painted the walls,” Sang said, as if that would explain everything. Paul remembered her painting her own room, listening to Billie Holiday.

The policeman leaned over, inspecting the broken glass and flower debris on the carpet, noticing the welts on her skin. “What happened?”

“I bought them,” she said, tears streaming quickly down her cheeks. Her voice was thick, ashamed. “I did this to myself.”

Related Characters: Sang/Sangeeta Biswas (speaker), Sudha, Rahul, Paul, Farouk/Freddy
Page Number: 214-215
Explanation and Analysis:
7. Hema and Kaushik: Year’s End Quotes

I was suddenly sickened by her, by the sight of her standing in our kitchen. I had no memories of my mother cooking there, but the space still retained her presence more than any other part of the house.

Related Characters: Kaushik (speaker), Ruma, Ruma’s Mother, Amit Sarkar, Dr. Choudhuri/Kaushik’s Father, Parul/Kaushik’s Mother, Chitra
Page Number: 263
Explanation and Analysis:

But there were too many pictures, and after a few I, like my father, could no longer bear their sight. A slight lessening in the pressure of my fingertips and the ones I was holding would have blown away into that wild sea, scattering down to where my mother’s ashes already resided. [...] so I put them back in the box and began to break the hardened ground.

Related Characters: Kaushik (speaker), Hema, Dr. Choudhuri/Kaushik’s Father, Parul/Kaushik’s Mother, Rupa and Piu
Related Symbols: Photographs
Page Number: 292
Explanation and Analysis:
8. Hema and Kaushik: Going Ashore Quotes

It was her inability, ultimately, to approach middle age without a husband, without children, with her parents living now on the other side of the world, and yet to own a home and shovel the driveway when it snowed and pay her mortgage bill when it came [...] to abide that life indefinitely that led her to Navin.

Related Characters: Sudha, Rahul, Hema, Hema’s Parents, Navin, Julian
Related Symbols: Alcohol and Drinking
Page Number: 298
Explanation and Analysis:

His work depended wholly on the present, and on things yet to come. It was not the repeated resurrection of texts that had already been composed, of a time and people that had passed, and it made Hema aware of the sheltered quality not only of her life but her mind.

Related Characters: Hema, Kaushik
Related Symbols: Photographs
Page Number: 315
Explanation and Analysis:

It would be replaced tenfold in the course of her wedding. And yet she felt she had left a piece of her body behind. She had grown up hearing from her mother that losing gold was inauspicious, and as the plane began to climb, [...] a dark thought passed through her, that it would crash or be blasted apart in the sky.

Related Characters: Hema, Kaushik, Hema’s Parents, Navin
Page Number: 324
Explanation and Analysis:

He wanted to swim to the cove as Henrik had, to show his mother he was not afraid. [...] The sea was as warm and welcoming as a bath. His feet touched the bottom, and so he let go.

Related Characters: Hema, Kaushik, Parul/Kaushik’s Mother, Henrik
Page Number: 331
Explanation and Analysis:

And yet without his even realizing it, firmly but without force, Navin pulled me away from you, as the final gust of autumn wind pulls the last leaves from the trees.

Related Characters: Hema (speaker), Kaushik, Navin
Page Number: 332
Explanation and Analysis: