Unaccustomed Earth


Jhumpa Lahiri

Neel is Sudha and Roger’s infant son. Born in London, he’s doted on by both his parents and his grandparents, Sudha’s parents, and he’s generally a happy baby. When Rahul visits Sudha in London and bonds with Neel, Sudha momentarily feels that things are as they always should have been. But as soon as Neel’s safety is jeopardized by Rahul’s carelessness, Sudha and Roger choose to protect their son and cut ties with Rahul.
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Neel Character Timeline in Unaccustomed Earth

The timeline below shows where the character Neel appears in Unaccustomed Earth. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
4. Only Goodness
Cultural Identity and the Immigrant Experience Theme Icon
Family and Generational Conflict Theme Icon
Love, Loss, and Nostalgia Theme Icon
Home and Belonging Theme Icon
Sudha falls pregnant shortly after her honeymoon, giving birth to a baby boy named Neel. She thinks about Rahul often but slowly gets used to no longer having her brother... (full context)
Family and Generational Conflict Theme Icon
Love, Loss, and Nostalgia Theme Icon
Loneliness and Isolation Theme Icon
Home and Belonging Theme Icon
...come home. He’s put on weight and grown long sideburns, and he’s quickly enamored with Neel. Sudha gives him a tour, and Rahul observes the recently framed photos of his and... (full context)
Family and Generational Conflict Theme Icon
Love, Loss, and Nostalgia Theme Icon
Home and Belonging Theme Icon
...coffee and sightseeing. In the evenings, he returns to Sudha’s for dinner and playtime with Neel. The night before he’s scheduled to leave, he suggests that Sudha and Roger go out... (full context)
Family and Generational Conflict Theme Icon
Love, Loss, and Nostalgia Theme Icon
Loneliness and Isolation Theme Icon
Home and Belonging Theme Icon
When Sudha and Roger return home, they discover Neel playing alone in a partially filled bathtub, and Rahul passed out in Roger’s study. They... (full context)