Unaccustomed Earth


Jhumpa Lahiri

Pam Borden Character Analysis

In “A Choice of Accommodations,” Pam Borden is Amit’s former crush and the bride of the wedding he and Megan attend, where she marries Ryan. She’s also the daughter of Headmaster Borden, head of Langford Academy, Amit’s alma mater and the wedding venue. Though Pam didn’t attend the all-boys Langford herself, she became acquainted with the male students who stayed on campus during Thanksgiving and winter breaks, as they would often spend holidays with her family. Admired by many of these boys, Pam remained just out of their reach, interacting with them on her own terms. She and Amit later attended Columbia, where he once drunkenly kissed her. She laughed it off, and they never spoke of it again. In the story’s present, Pam represents Amit’s unresolved feelings about his time in school and the life he once imagined he might have with her.

Pam Borden Quotes in Unaccustomed Earth

The Unaccustomed Earth quotes below are all either spoken by Pam Borden or refer to Pam Borden. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Cultural Identity and the Immigrant Experience Theme Icon
3. A Choice of Accommodations Quotes

“Now we know what that feels like,” she told him, and he knew then that it was impossible, that she did not like him in that way. She had indulged him, just as her family had indulged him once a year in their home, offering a small piece of herself and then shutting the door.

Related Characters: Pam Borden (speaker), Amit Sarkar, Headmaster Borden
Page Number: 100
Explanation and Analysis:

There were things he had always meant to understand better: Russian history, the succession of Roman emperors, Greek philosophy. He wanted to read what he was told each evening, to do as he was told. [...] His daughters would begin that journey soon enough, the world opening up for them in its awesome entirety. But there was no time now, not even to look at the whole paper on Sundays.

Related Characters: Amit Sarkar, Megan Sarkar, Pam Borden, Maya and Monika
Page Number: 122
Explanation and Analysis:
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Pam Borden Quotes in Unaccustomed Earth

The Unaccustomed Earth quotes below are all either spoken by Pam Borden or refer to Pam Borden. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Cultural Identity and the Immigrant Experience Theme Icon
3. A Choice of Accommodations Quotes

“Now we know what that feels like,” she told him, and he knew then that it was impossible, that she did not like him in that way. She had indulged him, just as her family had indulged him once a year in their home, offering a small piece of herself and then shutting the door.

Related Characters: Pam Borden (speaker), Amit Sarkar, Headmaster Borden
Page Number: 100
Explanation and Analysis:

There were things he had always meant to understand better: Russian history, the succession of Roman emperors, Greek philosophy. He wanted to read what he was told each evening, to do as he was told. [...] His daughters would begin that journey soon enough, the world opening up for them in its awesome entirety. But there was no time now, not even to look at the whole paper on Sundays.

Related Characters: Amit Sarkar, Megan Sarkar, Pam Borden, Maya and Monika
Page Number: 122
Explanation and Analysis: